West Wimmera Shire currently has one of the highest childhood immunisation rates within Australia. Council conducts free immunisations for infants and school aged children as listed on the National Immunisation Program Schedule.
Immunisation clinics
Immunisations are available with an appointment at all the West Wimmera Shire Maternal Child Health Clinic locations during their advertised opening hours.
Childhood immunisations
Childhood immunisations are scheduled at the following ages:
- Birth (given at the hospital when your baby is born)
- 2 months (can be given from 6 weeks)
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 12 months
- 18 months
- 4 years
Influenza Vaccination
During the flu season (April to November) children aged 6-months to 5-years and woman who are pregnant are able to access free influenza vaccination through the Maternal and Child Health centres.
Whooping cough boosters are also available for pregnant women from 20 weeks gestation and their partners if required.
Kindergarten Enrolment
From 1 January 2016 Victorian pre-schoolers will be unable to attend childcare or kindergarten unless they are vaccinated, under new 'no jab, no play' laws to be introduced by the State Government.
School Immunisation
Students in secondary school are eligible for the following vaccines, which will be delivered on at their school campus.
All year 7 students:
- two dose course of Human Papillomavirus
- a single dose of Diphtheria/Tetanus /Pertussis (whooping cough)
Year 10 students:
- a single dose of meningococcal ACWY
School entry immunisation certificate
Every child entering primary school in Victoria requires a School Entry Immunisation Certificate.
Upon completion of the 4 year old immunisations, parents will automatically receive an Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). This statement is used as the School Entry Immunisation Certificate.
Parents can request an Immunisation History Statement by contacting AIR directly on 1800 653 809. Alternatively an Immunisation History Statement can be provided, for children aged 0-15 years, from a Medicare Office, or by parents accessing their child’s Medicare history through the MyGov account.
If, for some reason your child's immunisation records are incomplete or missing, contact AIR, your doctor or Council's immunisation service. If your child has never been vaccinated or was vaccinated overseas, then contact your doctor or Council's immunisation service to assist you in obtaining a School Entry Immunisation Certificate.