Frequently asked questions

Below you will find a list of our most frequently asked questions. Should you require further assistance, please contact us by:

Phone: 13 WWSC
Website: Contact us

What essential service disruptions can I encounter during an emergency?

You can encounter some essential service disruptions such as power outage or water supply disruption during an emergency. The Department of Health and Human Services has further information and resources to assist with essential service disruptions.

How can I manage stress during an emergency?

The impact of an emergency can be stressful and exhausting. People are encouraged to look after themselves in this period. Talking it over with others often helps recovery from exposure to traumatic events. The Department of Health and Human Services has many resources to assist you with working with people affected by an emergency

What is a Bushfire Survival Plan and who should have one?

The Country Fire Authority (CFA) recommends that people who live or holiday in high bushfire risk areas of Victoria prepare themselves, their belongings and property for the event of a fire. In the event of a fire you need to enact your Bushfire Survival Plan. The CFA can provide specialist advice on bushfire plans.

It is the responsibility of the individual to make decisions about their safety. Each individual or family need their own personalised Bushfire Survival Plan. This includes whether they will leave their property and when. The decision to leave early is not the same for every household. The place you decide to go depends on your individual needs. There is no designated or set "leave early" location in our municipality.

Why should I eave early and how will I know when to leave?

The safest option in an emergency is always to leave early. Leaving early is the recommended course of action and should be your first consideration and included in your planning. Part of your Bushfire Survival Plan is to decide where your "Leave Early" place is and what the trigger to decide to go will be. You should remain vigilant on days of severe or extreme weather events (such as Code Red fire danger days) for warnings and other information about emergency.

What is a relief centre?

West Wimmera Shire Council has a number of locations assessed as suitable for a relief centre. A relief centre is established once an emergency is declared. The decision of which relief centre to open is dependent on the nature and extent of emergency. It's purpose is to provide shelter, first aid, food, registration and support and information. If attending an emergency relief centre people should bring:

  • any medication, prescriptions and other personal health aids
  • personal identity documents
  • light bedding and clothing
  • cash, water and non-perishable goods to last at least 12 hours
  • baby necessities such as nappies and baby formula

Council has a limited space for companion animals and pets. Depending on the emergency this location might not be near the relief centre. The location of relief centres will be conveyed by local media. This location will be determined once the nature of the emergency is known.

Watch this video explaining what you can expect at an emergency relief centre

How can I prepare to assist animals during an emergency?

For owners and those in charge of animals planning for emergencies is critical. This includes companion animals (pets), livestock, wildlife and animals in foster care. Personal safety plans and household or property plans should include contingencies for animals that will either remain on the property or be evacuated during an emergency. Owners and those in charge of animals must take pre-emptive action by planning for animals needs and leaving early so that welfare problems can be avoided or minimised. The place you decide to go to depends on your individual needs.

What do I do about stock on the road?

There are several options.

  • If feel you are able then you can heard them to where they should be.
  • During working hours you can contact council on 13 WWSC. After hours follow the prompts.
  • Contact Victorian Police.

What is a fire danger rating and code red day?

The fire danger rating tells you how dangerous a fire would be if one is started. It helps you to know when conditions are dangerous enough to enact your Bushfire Survival Plan. Code Red is the highest fire danger rating.

What is a neighbourhood safer place?

Neighbourhood Safer Places are places of last resort when all other bushfire plans have failed. They are all designated community areas that might provide some protection from radiant heat, which is the biggest killer during bushfires. They are not inherently safe places and won't guarantee your safety. The safest option is to leave early.