
Floods and storms are among the most recurrent and costly natural disasters. West Wimmera ShireCouncil has towns that are subject to stormwater and riverine flooding.  

The Shire has three major waterways that impact various townships, localities and the rural areas. They are the Glenelg River (including Salt Creek), The Chetwynd River and the Koijak Creek. These systems flow in or near to towns within the Municipality. Lake Wallace at Edenhope is the largest body of water in the Shire.

Be flood ready

Understanding how to prepare for potential flooding is of paramount importance. To equip our residents with the necessary knowledge and resources, we urge you to heed the guidance provided by the Victoria State Emergency Service. Here are some valuable resources to help you prepare:

When faced with an ongoing emergency situation, take swift action by following these steps:

  1. Enact Your Plan: Put your preparedness plan into action.
  2. For Emergency Assistance: During a flood or storm, contact VICSES at 132 500.
  3. Life-Threatening Emergencies: In situations posing an immediate threat to life, dial 000.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep your radio tuned to local stations for crucial emergency updates.
  5. VicEmergency: For the latest warnings and advice, visit the VicEmergency website.
  6. Avoid Flooded Roads: Never attempt to drive through floodwaters. Stay informed about road closures through VicRoads traffic updates.

Useful Links for Flood Preparedness:

SES Flood Information for West Wimmera Shire Council

Flood Victoria

When should I call SES in a Flood or Storm.pdf(PDF, 157KB)

Flood Guides and plans

Cleaning up after a flood

Emergencies, by their very nature, are disruptive and can be very stressful. A major dilemma many households face with wind and water damage is how and where to begin the clean up.

The following resources provide some useful tips and practical information to help households start the clean up-both inside and outside


After a Flood Checklist.pdf(PDF, 227KB)
Support available to flood affected victorians.pdf(PDF, 194KB)