Bushfire survival plan
If you live or holiday near areas that have significant bush, forest, long grass or coastal scrub, you need to have a Bushfire Survival Plan in place. For more information, visit the CFA website.
CFA Fire ready kit
Australian Red Cross
Property owners
Property owners have a responsibility to ensure they take the necessary steps to reduce bushfire risk on their property, and to reduce the risk of injury or damage to other people or property.
Property owners should be aware of their requirements under the law. If your property/dwelling falls within a Bushfire Management Overlay, planning provisions allow for a range of approved measures for bushfire protection. This includes allowances for creating defendable space (i.e. removal of vegetation under specified clearance rules).
Bushfire protection can also be achieved through other means, such as the way you site and construct your dwelling, the way adjoining land is managed and the level of access to water supply and roads.
The Bushfire Attack Level takes into consideration a number of factors including the Fire Danger Index, the slope of the land, types of surrounding vegetation and its proximity to any building.
If you are in a bushfire prone area you are required to complete the Bushfire Attack Level Assessment Report for any domestic building works.
Think before you remove! If you are not sure about what your legal requirements are, please contact the Council’s Planning Department on council@westwimmera.vic.gov.au or 13 99 72
Report any fire risk concerns either on public or private property to Council on 13 WWSC or submit the online customer request form.
To report a fire hazard contact Council on 13 WWSC or submit the online customer request form.