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Dogs bark for a reason and there are many ways that excessive barking can be managed. If you have a problem with a neighbour's dog, or if your own dog is barking too much, here is some information that might help.
Under the law, barking is considered a 'nuisance' if it happens persistently or if it continues to such an extent that it unreasonably interferes with the peace and convenience of other people. Occasional barking is not enough to lodge a formal complaint with the Council. Consider keeping a diary of times and duration of barking to assist in the discussion with the dogs owner in trying to figure out why the dog is barking.
WWSC-Barking-Dog-Help-Guide-3.pdf(PDF, 571KB)
Bees and wasps can be a problem in West Wimmera Shire, especially in spring and early summer. European wasps are similar to bees but have conspicuous lemon-yellow banded markings on their black body. They can sting repeatedly and tend to become aggressive when threatened.
Wasps like to live around people so they are near food and drink. They may build nests under the ground, in walls with holes and in retaining walls. Wasps like sweet food, meat, drinks and moving objects. They are more aggressive than bees and will sting people.
Bees are gentle and usually sting in self-defence. Bees travel in large groups called swarms. A swarm of bees may stay in the one area for up to two or three days and then leave.
If you are worried about a bee swarm, contact a licensed Pest Controller to remove it. Do not move the swarm yourself.
Council is not responsible for the eradication of European Wasps unless they are on Council or public property. Eradication of nests on private property is the responsibility of the owner, contact a licensed Pest Controller to remove it.
Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, all dog owners must securely confine dogs to the property. This means your yard must have a closed gate, and an escape-proof fence that your dog cannot jump, get under or through. A wandering dogs can pose a serious public health and safety risk. They can create a traffic hazard, or may become aggressive and cause harm to other people, animals or wildlife.
Wandering animals can also spread diseases and parasites to other animals in the area, so ensure your pet is vaccinated and treated.
Wandering promotes antisocial behaviour by encouraging and strengthening the animal's instinct to fight for dominance. This can result in a dog attack on people and other animals.
It can also be dangerous for your dog to be wandering on busy streets and areas with a high population of wild animals like foxes.
So for the safety of your dog and everyone else, remember – confine your dog. Backyard is best!
Wandering animals have a negative impact on the community, who have the right to walk in public places without fear of being attacked. If your animal is found wandering at large a fine may be issued. When complaints are received about wandering animals, the animal will be impounded.
Although cats are a beloved pets for many families’ feral cats threaten the survival of over 100 native species in Australia. They have caused the extinction of some ground-dwelling birds and small to medium-sized mammals.
Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, property owners and occupiers have the right to seize or trap cats when they trespass on their properties. If a cat has been on your property more than once without your permission, you may legally seize it, by containing the cat in your house, a box or by trapping the cat. Once the cat has been contained you must contact Council for collection.
Council offers a cat trap service to residents. To request a cat trap,
Wandering stock on roads is a risk to traffic having the potential to cause serious injury or death to motorists. Local Law officers will attend to stock wandering on roads controlled by West Wimmera Shire Council and VIC Roads.
West Wimmera Shire Council - 13 WWSC or 13 99 72
Victorian Police – 000
Once notified of an incident a Local Laws officer will respond and assess the situation having regard to the safety of themselves and the public.
It is the stock owner's responsibility under the Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 to provide and maintain effective fencing to stop stock straying into a road. Fines may be issued and stock impounded.
In 2020 Council commenced the 2020-24 Corella Management Plan to address the damage caused in our townships by flocks of Corella's. This program includes range of different approaches to address this problem including:
Corella's are intelligent birds and quickly come to recognise patterns so to ensure an effective Corella Management program we need to change the approach regularly.
Council reminds residents that the noise might disturb your animals including horses so you might need to take extra measures to confine your animals.