Council meeting livestream
West Wimmera Shire Council will livestream it's next Council Meeting.
Please click the link below to watch the livestream.
Watch livestream here
The recording of council meetings and any other public forums and meetings authorised by the CEO remain the property of West Wimmera Shire Council and are protected by copyright.
Live Streamed Recording will be uploaded as soon as practicable after the meeting during office hours.
Read the disclaimer about live stream of Council meetings
- All Council Meetings of the West Wimmera Shire Council are live streamed and recorded and made available to the public after the meeting on Council’s website.
- These recordings are undertaken in accordance with Council's Governance Rules.
- If Council resolves to close the meeting (in whole or in part) to the public in accordance with Section 66 (2) of the Local Government Act 2020, live streaming will cease (and be switched off) to protect the confidential status of the matters being debated and resolved by Council.
- Live streaming allows you to watch and listen to the meeting in real time, giving you greater access to Council decision making and debate and encouraging openness and transparency.
- There may be situations where, due to technical difficulties a live stream may not be available.
- Whilst every effort will be made to ensure the live streaming and website are working, the West Wimmera Shire Council takes no responsibility for, and cannot be held liable for, the unavailability of live streaming, in part or full, due to technical issues beyond its control. Technical issues may include, but are not limited to the availability of the internet connection, device failure or malfunction, unavailability of social media platforms or power outages.
- the Chairperson may at any time during a meeting request that a live stream and/or recording be terminated
- the CEO may choose to exclude part or all of any meeting recording which they deem to be inappropriate for publishing on Councils website. Material considered as inappropriate may include, but is not limited to:
- Defamation
- Infringement of Copyright of Breach of privacy / disclosure of personal information
- Offensive behaviour including discrimination
- Vilification or inciting hatred
- Confidential or privileged Council information
- Matters subject to disciplinary or conduct hearings under any council code of conduct
- Matters subject to current or potential legal proceedings.
- Live streams and recordings of Council Meetings and any other public forums and meetings authorised by the CEO remain the property of the West Wimmera Shire Council and are protected by copyright. Access to live streams and recordings of meetings is provided for personal and non-commercial use. Video, images and audio must not be altered, reproduced or republished without the permission of the CEO.